(0018) short list + happy holidays
Hey, this is poach.vc, where we help you discover pre-seed / seed deal flow by tracking the people the top VCs are interacting with online.
Happy Holidays!
VC Twitter activity is a bit low during the holiday season (as you can see from the abridged list today), so we’re taking next week off and will be back on Dec 30 with more updates!
Curated People
Ian Nowland
Ex-Amazon and Datadog engineering exec now building JunctionLabs to help developers build platforms with better service connectivity.
Rebecca Wang
John Suh
Ex-Robinhood engineer that previously co-founded an AI tool (which was acquired). Now “applying LLMs in the real world”. Now working in stealth on a new project as part of a PE holding company. It’s unclear if he’s looking for investment, but is clearly interested in building in AI.
Since we’re a bit light on founder/potential founder profiles, we’re also including a summary of all accounts we tracked this week. Please let us know if it’d be useful for us to include this every week by emailing contact@poach.vc!
@AbieKatz - followed by @BRosenblatt4
@MarathonMP - followed by @aashaysanghvi_, @michaelxbloch, @joshk, @mokoyfman
@moislamvc - followed by @xuezhao
@BasedBaronT - followed by @JuliaLipton, @KTmBoyle, @pitdesi
@ArraMalek - followed by @TurnerNovak
@dennisihong - followed by @TurnerNovak
@SidestageVC - followed by @cape
@VestlessVC - followed by @edsim
@greenoakscap - followed by @jaisajnani
@Avenir_Growth - followed by @jaisajnani
@TrentMano - followed by @jefielding
@ephraimyarmak - followed by @mokoyfman
@shivambhatia42 - followed by @rishabhkaul, @rrhoover
@CommodityCap - followed by @LM_Braswell
@McCreadieWill - followed by @LM_Braswell
Already Funded
@DLeitersdorf - followed by @NabeelQuryshi, @annimaniac, @mokoyfman, @eladgil
@KostasPardalis - followed by @davidmytton
@nitayj - followed by @davidmytton
@fatimasabar - followed by @aashaysanghvi_
@gentryld - followed by @iamjakestream
@m_adeyi - followed by @mpalank101
@latentcodes - followed by @byrnemluke
@okuiux - followed by @brian_lovin
@ranjanready - followed by @rishabhkaul
@MosheSshalev - followed by @eladgil
@ankurd - followed by @agarwalipshita
Big Tech Employees
@ryancjulian - followed by @aashaysanghvi_ (Google)
@saachi_jain_ - followed by @typewriters (OpenAI)
@anmol01gulati - followed by @pmarca (Google)
@johnohallman - followed by @pmarca, @LM_Braswell (OpenAI)
@MaartenBosma - followed by @pmarca (Microsoft)
@recurseparadox - followed by @pmarca (Google)
@jamesjyan117153 - followed by @pmarca (Google)
@wlaurance - followed by @beyang
@sachabolteau - followed by @byrnemluke
@brianchilders - followed by @oanaolt
@sir_aymansaleh - followed by @pmarca
@SamHFeldman - followed by @davidu
@JonSaadFalcon - followed by @simonjzhou
@pgasawa - followed by @simonjzhou
@dfrsrchtwts - followed by @pmarca
We curate interesting people that have some signals that they might be interesting founders either now or in the future. They are not guaranteed to be currently founding or interested in investment.
If you have any questions, suggestions, or need custom tracking, please reach out to contact@poach.vc
Thanks for your support! If you enjoyed this edition, please share with your investor friends!
We post three times a week. Monday and Wednesday are for paid subscribers only, but Fridays are free previews.